Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Party Animal

Last week officially started winter in the capital for us. The first snow storm of the season was on Thursday with 20 cm of snow that we actually had to shovel! Kian and I felt a little cooped up that day and decided that we absolutely needed to go outside to experience why all parents hate winter! Snowsuits and car seats, need I say more? It's a good thing he is still in diapers and I didn't have to ask if he had to pee first! We did manage to get out and go the 5 minutes down the road to meet Cheryl and Ysabella for a very nice lunch, but I can say that the scraping the ice of the windshield stuff really sucks with or without a crying baby to boot!

Friday night Kian went to the public pool for the first time. He loved the water and spent an hour kicking around and getting dunked with mom and dad and Jarrett, Noreen, Landry (age 2) and Chloe (5 months). He had a great time and boy did he sleep well that night! Landry had a good time going down the water slide and splashing around in the kiddy pool. I think we might try to make swimming Friday nights our regular thing in the new year.

Saturday night we attended a good-bye party at Christina's place for Natalie, who is off to Cuba. Lucky her! Kian started his "party animal" stage early in life stripping down to his diaper and dancing on the tables! He was a menace in the car on the way to the party and left Mark and I thinking that we might not make it. Unfortunately the train does not go to Christina's place! He did manage to wear himself out sufficiently and actually SLEPT in the car on the way home!

Sunday morning we had a wonderful brunch at Uncle Mike and Ania's new home. We also got to see Grandpa and Babshu (sp?) who were visiting for the weekend. Breakfast was great and Kian even had a small nap so mom could eat and socialize for a few minutes.

Monday morning dad was late for work. He played soccer Sunday night at 11 pm and then was wired once he got home. Kian unfortunately wasn't having a very good night and mom and dad didn't get much sleep. Mom met Jane and Sylvia for breakfast in the Glebe. That was really nice since we haven't seen each other for a year due to no sailing last year. Kian got to meet the Makai chicks. We were all originally hoping that Kian would be able to expand the Makai ladies crew but now I think he is the token male on board!

This week I'm hoping will not be as busy. I do know that Friday morning we are having a new patio door installed. I'm not sure why we decided to do it in the snow, but I guess for the same reason we decided to do our roof in December a couple years ago. It will be a cold morning in the house!

We are starting to look forward to the holidays now that the snow is on the ground. Auntie Renee has changed her plans for the holidays and Kian will finally get to meet her. Too bad she lives so far away. Unfortunately Uncle Darcy won't be joining her so we will have to meet him later.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Stories of i-Poo-h

The weather is starting to get a little colder now and we are beginning to wonder how to dress our little "furnace". We made a shopping trip to MEC to get a snow suit for Kian. We also made the mistake of walking into Gap Kids and seeing all the incredibly cute things in there. I think they prey on people like us!

Kian seems to be growing like a weed lately. He had his three month growth spurt this past week which meant very little sleep for mom for the past five days. Last night was the first night he slept better and we all appear to be better rested. He is getting to be much more animated and talkative now. He is able to pull himself up to standing from lying down (with som assistance) already and laughing up a storm when you bounce him on the bed. We also figured out that the only song that will almost instantly calm him down is 'Itsy Bitsy Spider'. I will not be singing that for 9 hours back down to Toronto! I still prefer the train. Kian was in the tub with me this week and he really enjoyed swimming around. I think we will try to get to the community pool and try out his skills there next. Maybe we have the next Thorpe in the making!

Mark and I had a nice treat this morning. Kian wet his first bed (ours)! He usually wears cloth diapers during the day and Pampers at night. Well, last night we decided to be adventurous and try cloth overnight. It worked for the 2 am and 4:30 changes but 6am was just a little to lazy and tired and we found out why Pampers might be a better idea! That diaper change included changing our bed. With a new diaper on Kian decided that he needed to poop, changing that diaper led to Kian pooping again. The third diaper barely got on before he peed in it, and the fourth also received some pee. That means 5 diapers and three outfits were used in the span of 15 minutes. Miraculously we survived without getting peed on ourselves!

We have to say a big thank you to Ali Jean-Guy and Chantal for their hospitality and especially to Ali Jean-Guy for his toys and Jolly Jumper! They are very much appreciated.

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Well, I'll admit we didn't go out trick or treating this year. Mark and I decided that neither one of us needed to eat anymore chocolate than we already have. Instead we raided Noreen and Jarrett's place and handed out candy to the kids who came to their door while they were out with their kids. It was a very nice evening that was considerable warmer than what we usually experience on Halloween. Kian did get dressed up for the occation for all of you who were awaiting his costume!

This week didn't amount to very much. We did manage to get to the gym twice this week! Kian had a wonderful time in playcare talking to all the other children. I was unaware that was making the rounds but all the kids there wait for him to come in. He is now very happy to be able to communicate with you with his cooing. Laughing when you get it right. He is almost able to turn onto his side by himself and today he fell asleep by himself in his crib. Unfortunately, someone else has decided that is also a good place to sleep....

Hope everyone else had a good Halloween now we are on the road to Christmas!