Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My First Birthday and Grandma's Visit!

Kian and Grandma downtown

It's hard to believe that a year has gone by already. I think I blinked and missed it. It has been a really big year for us adding to it the move across the country. Kian is now one and moving on his own steam. He is walking and very independent. He loves going for walks and to the parks. He loves animals, although he doesn't really know how to pet them yet. He has some words now and understands the signs that we have been doing with him. His favourite words seem to be "hot dog" and "eow" (that would be "meow" I think!) at the moment. Maybe because he eats hot dogs and sausages frequently, actually he eats veggie dogs. He is about 29 inches tall and 21.5 lbs., for those who ask me all the time.

My birthday party cake!


On his birthday Auntie Renee and Uncle Darcy came over for dinner. Of course there was cake and Kian managed to get more of it on Uncle Darcy than he got into his mouth. He had fun though and that's the important part. And, Uncle Darcy is still his hero. We did have a bigger birthday party for him on the Saturday following his birthday. Considering we don't really know anyone yet we still had about twenty people at our place for lunch. Kian had a good time although he was wondering why everyone was singing to him. He got lots of clothes and great toys.

Opening presents

Presents at my party

Look what I got!

Grandma came to visit us in Victoria for Kian's birthday. He had a great time with her playing and reading books. We went to the petting zoo, swimming, Butchard Gardens and for lots of walks around the city and the golf course across the street. Grandma got to see our quirky house and see what we do everyday and Kian got to bond with her. It was a short visit but nice to see family.

Here ducky ducky!


Petting zoo with Grandma

Reading with mom and Grandma

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mommy's birthday

This August long weekend we decided to go with Auntie Renee and Uncle Darcy camping in Washington state. Actually, we decided to shopping in Washington state and go camping so that we could afford to go shopping and bring more stuff back with us. Kian had never been camping and we didn't know how he would do but he loved it and we all had a good time. Seattle is beautiful and has a fantastic market downtown that we spent a few hours in. We could have spent a few days there considering we didn't even make a dent in it! Of course, we took Kian to the toy store and Uncle Darcy and daddy had more fun playing with the toys and the flying monkeys than he did!

The camp ground was really nice and quiet, well, at least it was in the evenings. The mornings brought the fog horns from all the ferries going through the straights. It didn't bother us, but I know that Auntie Renee isn't a morning person.... We were able to see a whale off the shore and for all the clam-ers there were tons in the water.

Kian loves to hang out with his aunt an uncle. In fact, Uncle Darcy is his new hero because he let him drive the truck while we were waiting for all the ferries. Now he thinks he can drive the car as soon as we get outside!

In the tent

Didn't make it....

First camping trip with mommy, daddy, auntie Renee and my hero, uncle Darcy!

In Pike Place Market

Friday, August 1, 2008

Opa's Visit

Opa had an unexpected visit to Victoria on his way back from China. We had a great time going for walks and showing him what little we know of our new home. Hopefully he had fun as well. Kian enjoyed playing with Opa and didn't even play strange when he saw Opa off the plane.

Thimble raspberries

Walk with Opa

GIANT SLUG!!!!!! Can't wait for the wet season. I think I might move back to Ontario for the winter!

Opa at Swan Lake

Merlin Falcon at Swan Lake

Opa going whale watching

Floating houses

Float plane


Female orca

Bob the seal

Dinner at Barb's

Having a nap

Going for a walk

Deer on the path