Saturday, October 25, 2008

Punumikin Patch

Had our first trip to the local pumpkin patch today (with our friends Jacob and Shawna). Thought we'd share some of the photos...

Friday, October 24, 2008


I Love cooking with my oven mitts on!

Turkey time has come and gone but I thought I better post something before halloween comes!

October has already flown by and I can't say that I remember what has happened. Falls is here and there have been a few mornings where there has been frost on the ground and the trees are staring to loose their leaves now. We definitely have more to rake here than we did in Ottawa. Kian loves playing in the leaves and loves helping with the gardening.

Thanksgiving we spent at Renee and Darcy's place. Mark was in charge of the turkey which was cooked at our place and taken over to theirs. Unfortunately the power went out right when Renee was about to put all the trimmings into the oven and use the stove. So out came the BBQ and the camping stove. Everything was finally cooked and ready in time for the power to come back on.... Dinner was wonderful and it was really nice to spend it with family and new friends who we have met out here.

Kian, Mark and I went out apple picking at Renee and Darcy's last weekend. We have a ton of apples and they taste fantastic! I have started making apple sauce and tried to start making pie but is just isn't the same without Ang doing her share of the cutting and mixing! It also takes me about 6 times longer with Kian running around wanting to "help"!

Our big adventure this week was to the dentist.... It was the one night that I wanted to go out and I think that Kian knew it! He wasn't even in the bathtub and somehow managed to hit his mouth into the tub and chip a tooth. When you only have 8 it is noticeable. Anyway, he does have a loose tooth and hopefully it will tighten up (is that what teeth do?) and not die. The dentist had to grind down the chipped one a bit which took 4 people to hold him down. I guess he isn't going to like going to the dentist either with a traumatic experience like that to back it up!

Kian has become a little fish in the swimming pool! I have been taking him every Friday to go swimming and he won't get out of the water to go home. He is now doing the doggy paddle and blowing bubbles, he also jumps off the side and doesn't mind going under. Today we went to a new pool which had a whirlpool. It looked like fun so I decided to go in with him. Well, it was a lot faster in the pool than it looked like from land. I was so tired once we finally got out from trying to hold him up and trying not to drown myself that we both needed a nap this afternoon! Maybe dad can come next Friday and see how far the little fish has come!

Couldn't make it through lunch after my swim.

Monday, October 6, 2008

UK Photos

Hi everybody! I had a great time visiting everyone in the UK and seeing all the sights. Here are some of our favourite photos...but I'm sure we'll try to add some more shortly. ( If you find the photos too small you can click on them and they should get bigger. We are having a problem loading on larger photos lately. Sorry.)

Here I am playing in the park at Cambridge (where Mom and Dad want me to go to University!)

Just smelling the flowers...mmmmm!

Some of the nice sights in Cambridge.

Having a laugh with Mom and Oma.

London bridge is falling which bridge was that supposed to be?

Of all the places to change a bum!

Me and my Great Grandma!

Some of the historical sights (also one of Mark's favourite photos).

Visiting the city of York.

Having an ice cream with Mom (but not really sharing).

Auntie Jessica and Uncle Andre just after they got married.

The lovely ladies at the wedding.

Hey baby, want a lift?

Auntie Jessica, Mom and Kian at Auntie Jessica's house.

What's this thing?

...And can I use it to knock down these rocks?

A moment of quiet reflection (alright it might have lasted a second) in yet another church.

Mommy and Kian at the pub.

Two handsome men!

Oma, Opa, Kian and Daddy at Auntie Jessica's wedding.