Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hey there are bubbles in there!

I'm really far behind in my blogging but I'm finally getting some photos up.

March was incredibly busy with all our visitors, and a couple of surprise visitors, between our all our illnesses. Thankfully all the illnesses are gone and hopefully won't be back! We haven't been up to much due to being house-bound.

Grandma helping me on the snowy slide.

Opa was out for his return visit after his ski vacation and able to give us a hand by finishing our cedar shed in the front. Now we have four sides to it and can shut the door! What a novelty! I can also empty out the shed in the back and get rid of it!

I sat down at Beacon Hill Park and instantly had a new friend in my lap who decided to have a nap!

Hey! I remember you from last time, your Mark!

A distant cousin, Helene, was in town with a friend, Jessie, for a couple days. It was really nice to catch up with Helene since I haven't seems her for almost 20 years. They also got to see a little action in Victoria on the way to the duck pond. There was apparently a bank robbery that had just happened and the suspects decided to ditch their car at the pond. That meant that the last 15 feet that we needed to walk to the pond and the 1/2 hour total trip, turned into an extra 5 km and 2 hours before we made it back home. I don't think they were expecting so much excitement! Unfortunately Kian was really sick while they were visiting.

A very sick little Boo with Helene.

Introducing Helene and Jessie to my duck friends.

We had a surprise call from Tasha and Wayne, who were in town for a week. We were able to meet up and have a couple meals together and take in some sights in Victoria, namely Beacon Hill petting zoo, lieutenant governor's residence and the inner harbour. It was nice to see some familiar faces and catch up on the big city news.

Inner harbour with some surprise visitors.

At Barb's Diner with Auntie Tasha and Uncle Wayne.

Other than that the big accomplishment has been to get rid of the BIG pile of yard waste that has been decorating our front lawn since we moved in! Oh, and the freezer that has been decorating our back yard as well! The yard waste was three large pickup trucks full! Unfortunately that wasn't even a dent in the stuff we have to do in the garden and I'm sure we are going to have another big pile at the end of the driveway soon. I'm sure the neighbours will be really impressed.....

Octopus.....(not a great photo-taken through the window-but cute helping daddy garden)