Saturday, May 16, 2009

Luxton Fair

Winning a Meow with mom and Auntie Renee

Watching the train hoping to catch a ride

Fishing for frogs with daddy

Catching ducks with Auntie Renee

Okay, so now I'm REALLY far behind in my blogging! Life is hard to stop when you are having fun!

We have been busy doing...things, I guess. I can't really tell you what we have been doing, obviously not blogging though! I haven't really been taking any photos lately so that doesn't make blogging very interesting. Hopefully that will change now that I don't have two little ones to look after during the day. Kian's little friend was able to find some daycare arrangements.

Well I'm just going to skip what has been happening for the last month (because I really can't remember it!) and tell you about the terrific day that we had at the Luxton Rodeo Fair today. Auntie Renee told us that she wanted to take Kian to the fair (I think so that she had an excuse to go on the rides) so we all decided to go along for the fun. Kian was at the Saanich fair last summer but he doesn't really remember it and wasn't anywhere big enough to go on any of the rides then. He had a BLAST today!

We met Auntie Renee and Uncle Darcy at the fair grounds. Kian's eye lit up the second we were out of the car and he was off and running. First we got some very healthy doughnuts to make for a great start to the fair and then it was off to win some prizes. Mom and Kian played the pop-the-balloon-with-a-dart game and won a blue "meow". Kian was so excited about it he wouldn't let go of it, until he saw the train, that is. Uncle Darcy got to go for a ride on the "oo-oo-oo" first, then mom did and so did Auntie Renee.

On the train with Uncle Darcy

On the train with mom this time

Oo-oo-oo with Auntie Renee

We were finally able to leave the track and make it to the carousel and the busy bee ride, which Auntie Renee and daddy got to have fun on. Kian did a great job at the duck pond and won a frog with all the ducks he caught. He traded his frog up for a bigger one when he went fishing with dad at the frog pond. Daddy got to go through the jungle ride with Kian and Auntie Renee and Uncle Darcy both got to go down the slide with Kian. He was signing for more before he even got to the bottom with Auntie Renee and ran straight back into line for another turn before we could stop him.

Carousel with Auntie Renee

Riding the busy bee with daddy

Signing for more on the slide with Auntie Renee before he even got to the bottom!

And again with uncle Darcy

There was so much to do that we didn't even make it to the rodeo or the farm tractors, which he LOVES, or the animals that were there. The poor little guy was so upset when we told him that we ran out of tickets for the rides that the pouty lip that he has had since he was born, almost hit the ground. There was no crying though. I think he was probably a little happy that there were no more tickets because he was exhausted this evening and went to bed without a bath or stories. Mark and I got to hear all about his terrific day at the fair in the car on the way back home.

"Meow (the blue cat) oo-oo-oo (train) wee wee (that would be the slide) oo-oo-oo meow babbo (that's a drink) oo-oo-oo wee heeeeeeeeeee( that would be the big HUGE grin and the clapping coming from the back seat!) oo-oo-oo weeeeee meow duck duck heeeeeeeeeeee" I think you get the picture.

High in the jungle with daddy

On the slide with daddy