Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sick , Sick , Sick again...

Okay, so I started a post a week ago and thought I would add photos to it later. It was supposed to be about the party that we had for Mark on his birthday and maybe about going to the Chinese New Year celebrations downtown but as you can se that never materialized. In fact we didn't make it to the New Year celebrations at all and Mark's party, it turned out, sort of happened between all the sickness.

Last Thursday Kian got up from his afternoon nap and told me that his stomach hurt. I thought it was because he had eaten this HUGE cookie with his lunch. As it turned out he threw up all over the floor, not once but three times. He likes to call it barf. So he barfed all over the floor, the couch, his bed.... Mark came home from work a little early to help me out. Julean was also having a tough day but that was because he was - is - teething. Not so much fun for mom that day.

The next morning Kian woke up in a good mood and everything was back to normal. The party would be a go and we could get ready for the on-slot of parents and children to come to our house for Mark's birthday. We had a great time and there were may left overs to be had.

That night Kian was sick again, this time in his bed at 2 am. Great time to give a toddler a bath, so Mark took him to the spare room and lay down with him. He was sick again. Needless to say, by this time the washing machine has been going non-stop. THe next morning he was back to his usual self. We went about our routine as usual, but as it turns out the following night Mark and I were both sick at the same time. Mark seemed to recover fairly quickly. It took me the better part of the next day to get through before I was feeling a little better. Thankfully Julean never got the flu.

After the flu leveled the house, Kian got a lovely chest cold which lead to the ear infection and a couple trips to the doctor's office. Mark and I both managed to get the out-skirts of the cold, Julean seemed to get the cough part which is now bronchitis. Now everyone is on some sort of antibiotic and hopefully on the mend. I have been to the doctor's office for one or the other 4 times this week.

Other than the sickness part, Julean went for his three month check up. He is now 15 lbs! That's half of Kian's weight! Guess he is eating well. The weather has been gorgeous despite what the weather forecasters have been saying. We have been outside everyday working in the garden and BBQing. Things are starting to come along outside and we can't wait to actually start planting stuff. Apparently it is still early and we need to wait just a little longer. All the crocuses are out as well as the daffodils, snowdrops, forsithia, plum and cherry blossoms and a number of other things that I don't know the names of. Things are starting to look a lot like spring around here.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Stepping in Pee-School

Chatter box!

How time flies! This past weekend Mark and I signed Kian up for pre-school. I can't believe that he is already 2 1/2 years old! The pre school is will be going to is really nice and Mark and I really struggled to get Kian to leave after the open house was over. I guess he isn't going to have a hard time there at all! I was surprised with myself actually. Not getting all emotional about my baby going to pre school and actually asking all the questions and doing all the paper work. Maybe I just really need a break! Or I have just gone to too many play groups and they all blend together. It's a co-op pre school which means that I put in a day a month. I don't mind because I will get to see what he is doing and get involved with the school. We will see how I do when September comes and he is off to pre school for the first time!

Smartie face. Do you eat the blue ones last?

Kian is also signed up for a class called "stepping up to pre school", or as he calls it "stepping in pee school", which he started today. The first hour he spends in the kindergym with the parents around. The second hour is spent in the class with the instructors and the parents get a break. Kian was so busy playing he didn't even notice that I had left. I think next week during my toddler-free hour I'm going to take Julean swimming. We have been taking the boys swimming on Sunday mornings but the pool can get busy for Julean so Monday mornings might become our day for swimming.

Ha ha! Your funny mom! 11 weeks

Julean got his first set of shots last Friday. He is 14 lbs and 11 weeks now! Mark finally got to come along to watch one of his children get jabbed with a needle! I hate taking them and it just happened to be his flex day. Poor Julean. He wasn't feeling great over the weekend and to top it all off the teething also got worse at the same time. Now he doesn't have a fever from the needles it is from the teeth. It's a good thing that we don't remember all that pain when we get older! He started teething a full month before Kian ever did.

Can't you see I really don't want to do tummy time and just want to have a nap? 11 weeks

The weather here has been beautiful. The rain had started to slow down and the days are getting longer again. Kian wants to go outside as soon as he gets up in the morning and play fire truck with his cars in the backyard. I can't get him in for lunch or a nap unless I drag him in. I guess that is good in a way. He does get really worn out outside and any trouble he might get into stays outdoors. Although I am doing more laundry since he gets so muddy and dirty outside! Julean has to deal with me gardening and either gets mud and dirt all over him while in the carrier or gets stuck in the stroller having to watch Kian and I have fun. One day he will be running in the dirt as well. As for right now, I get to garden and maybe will get to plant stuff this year without anyone eating the dirt!

Finger painting...

I can't believe how on the ball I have been lately with the blog updates! Guess it could be all the new found time have sitting at the computer waiting for Kian to fall asleep on his own! Now all I have to do is actually take the photos to post on the blog....