Monday, March 15, 2010

Kelowna, Vernon and Big White

Hi everyone!

This past weekend we decided to take a trip off the island to visit my dad in Vernon before he heads back to Ontario. Mark's brother's family was also up at Big White skiing for the March break so it was fitting to go and see them as well. They hadn't met Julean yet and Kian wanted to see his cousins again.

Boy! There sure is lots of snow!

The trip went surprisingly well. I was somewhat dreading it with two children under 5 for 9 hours in the car, but I must say that I am extremely proud of them both for being so well behaved. All I could think of before we set out was the trip from hell when Kian was 6 weeks old and we tried to drive from Ottawa to Niagara. Mark mentioned that there was no train option this time for the way home, good thing I was thinking ahead and packed the gravol! I am very happy to say that it was not needed and would not hesitate to take the boys somewhere for a long ride in the car again. Although I would get some other movies from the library. I think Mark and I have both had enough of Babar for a very long time!

It was very nice to see Jeremy, Leanne and the girls again. Kian had a fantastic time playing in the snow with them. It was the only snow that he saw this year and I think he really enjoyed it. He is also really excited to start skiing next year seeing all the skiers on the hill. Mark and I decided that we wouldn't ski this year. He is at the tail end of his recovery from his break and should still be taking it easy and since I'm nursing I would have to be off the hill every hour to feed Julean. It wasn't worth the big expense this year. Next year Kian will be three and ready to start skiing so it will be more fun to do it as a family.

Uh... I think I'm stuck...

I am stuck!

I think we need to call Fireman Sam!

Some more photos to keep you updated.

Apres ski

Advertisement for Phil and Teds strollers!

Cousins on the gondola

Mom and boys on the gondola

It sure is bright out here!

Cousins going for a slide

Uncle Jeremy, Sophie and Kian

Kian enjoying the snow

The reason we moved to BC - the scenery!

The wall of fog on the Coquihalla

Photos Update

Julean 3 1/2 months

I thought I would update some photos since I have some. It is definitely harder to take photos with two kids and I see why the second child has no photos! I have been trying to rectify this problem but I'm not sure how successful I am being. I guess this blog is actually forcing me to take some so I have something to post!


Chocolate face

Missing the goats over the winter

Julean playing in the "circle-of-neglect"

Julean in his high chair (3 months)

Cuddles for my gymnastics instructor, Lynn

Gymnastics with daddy

Mountain goats: Shauna, jacob and Kian

Kian smelling the daffodils

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Definitely Spring

Plum blossoms

Leisure suit Larry!

It is definitely spring in Victoria now. Mark and I have been out in the garden for weeks now and the trees have been blooming since mid January, the flowers are all in bloom and have also been for weeks but today Mark was cutting the grass! Okay, big deal you say, but we don't cut our grass until we feel guilty because the neighbours have cut theirs 15 times before we cut ours once. In fact, last year we cut our grass a total of 4 times in the entire year. Kian was out helping daddy cut the grass today. I was afraid the neighbours would come out and call it child labour or something.

Plum blossoms

We have been spending more and more time outside now. The weather has been beautiful and we have been working our butts off in the garden so that we can plant some vegetables this year and get our flower beds to start looking like they are loved. They have been neglected for so long now that the bulbs have taken over and it has been a struggle to get them all out of the garden. I think this will be a battle for years to come. We have also been rebuilding the rock walls and make new beds to line the driveway. Kian has been very Buddhist and relocating all the worms to new homes in the other gardens. I looked up as he asked me a question the other day, and to my horror saw that he had a riggiling hand of worms that needed homes. Yuck!


Kian and Julean have been enjoying the new environment to play in after being inside for the "winter". I am starting to get a little bored with play groups myself and enjoy the change of scenery. Kian's favourite thing is to play "fireman Sam" and unroll the garden hose and drag it all around the yard to put out various fires. Julean loves watching him and I'm sure that eventually he will be playing fireman with his big brother. He is already playing the role of the "damsel in distress" as the play house catches fire and Kian has to put it out.

Jolly jumper in the tree outside so mom can garden!

Other than that not too much is new in our lives. We are planning to visit Mark's brother and family when they go to Kelowna at the end of this week for a ski vacation. Not too sure if they will have snow, but we would love for them to finally meet Julean regardless. Mark is at the tail end of the no jumping, running and heavy impact portion after the cast came off his leg so he won't be skiing and there really isn't any point to me skiing on my own since I would have to be off the hill every hour to feed Julean. So this year is all about the visiting and NEXT year will be all about the skiing! We will also be seeing Opa before he heads back to Ontario for the sailing season.

Julean as Gilligan (3 months)

Hope all are well and we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of a new baby cousin for Kian and Julean any day now. Jessica and Andre are expecting their first child sometime in the next week (if they aren't having it as I write this!).