Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorable Quotes

Julean 6 months

There are some things that you two year old says that you really want to remember for future times, things that might be good for bribery or may come back to haunt them at a wedding.

This week's quotes:

Kian: "I need the rice cooker."
Dad: "What do you need the rice cooker for?"
Kian: "I need to do something bad."

Mom: "Do you think you can behave if we go to the park?"
Kian: "Mom, I think you need to behave."

Brothers (Julean 6 months)

Washing my "fire truck"

We are not amused....

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Photo update

Julean (5 1/2 mths)

What chocolate cake batter?

I have decided that this blog is mostly going to be a photo update because I just can't remember all the things that have happened since the last blog! (At the moment I am trying to bore Julean to sleep by sitting at the computer and typing rather then entertain him. It really isn't working all that well!)

Let's see what I remember; Julean is 6 months now and just shy of 20 lbs! He has been on solid food for about 2 months now and absolutely loves it( and certainly has the little bhudda belly and legs to show it!)! He is now rolling over and sitting on his own. He still doesn't have any teeth in, despite teething for the past four months, but I'm sure that is to come shortly.

Kian is loving the warmer weather and it is becoming harder and harder to get him to come in for anything at all, especially with the new play structure there now. We have been having many picnics outside at various places around the city.

There are times that you think that you are talking to a brick wall when you're talking to your kids because they are running around and don't seem to be taking anything in at all and others that I really have to wonder if I'm not such a bad parent after all. A few days ago Jacob, Kian's little friend, was over and had found one of Kian's favourite toys. Unfortunately Kian decided that he wanted to play with it at the same time as Jacob and was told to wait his turn. Jacob was only prolonging his turn with the favourite toy because he saw that it was wanted by someone else. I took Kian aside and said to him "Kian, you know the trick with Jacob is that if you pretend that you don't want the toy then he will give it up and play with something else." The answer I got was "Mommy I don't like lying"!!!

And now for the photos.....

With my buddy Joa

Feeding my brother


My friends Katie and Jacob

The mafia at the naval parade

Julean (5 1/2 mths) and mom

Julean ( 5 1/2 mths)

Nikki's birthday party at the gym