Saturday, October 27, 2007

Adventures with Mom

Well, Mark has been in England for the past ten days. Kian and I have been having our own adventures while daddy has been out of town. I can't say that they have been very exciting or that Kian was too happy about some of them!

Kian had his first set of shots while dad was gone. I was hoping that Mark would be around for those because I thought I might be crying more than Kian was! As it turned out mom was very brave and Kian did very well considering he exam took twice as long as usual due to the fact that there was a resident learning that day and the exam was conducted twice, once by the resident and once by the doctor himself. Kian continued to have nightmares about the needle experience for the rest of the day and would wake up with this very confused look on his face when he realised that he wasn't in fact, still in the doctor's office. It turns out that he also had thrush and I have had to give him some horrible tasting medication that numbs your tongue and stains your clothes, four times a day. Dad's going to look like an angel when he gets back!

Kian has now doubled his birth weight at 12 lbs. 14 ons. and is in the 65th percentile for height at his age at 63 cm. I guess that means that he is going to be tall. He is now starting to like his swing and little vibrating chairs and I am able to get breakfast made and take a shower with out listening to crying for the most part. He is also developing a better sleeping pattern so I am able to get a little more sleep myself. He is able to hold his rattle already, althought I don't think he realises that he is doing it yet. The cats are starting to feel rather neglected as Sozi has found some new sleeping spots that I'm sure to notice!

The weather has been, for the most part, wonderful while Mark was gone. About 15 degrees Celcius. Kian and I enjoyed some walks in the park and gardening outside. The leaves are still on our trees so dad gets to help rake once he is back! I guess Mark will be in for a nice surprise tonight upon his return as the temperature will drop to -8!

Thank you to all those who thought that I might be bored by myself and need adult conversation every once in a while! Thanks for all the dinners.

Guess I better get the house cleaned up before dad gets back!

1 comment:

Guy & Jacquie said...

Looking forward to seeing pictures of Kian's first Halloween!