Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Santa's coming!

Well, Christmas is finally around the corner and I think we are as ready as we are going to be. This being the first Christmas for Kian we will be spending it at Oma and Opa's house. Unfortunately Oma had a fall and broke her ankle so she won't be as mobile, but it leaves her to play with Kian while mom and dad make dinner with Opa. We are getting excited to see everyone in Niagara as well as Auntie Renee who is coming to visit from Victoria. Kian and I are taking to train down to Oma and Opa's place due to the experience last time we tried the long car trip....

The past couple weeks have been pretty busy around here. Kian has been going swimming with mom and dad on Friday nights. He loves it so much! Now he figures that bath time is like the pool and he splashes around like crazy. He cries when he has to get out of the tub. He absolutely LOVES his jolly jumper and spends upwards of two hours in there a day. You can tell that he's tired by the cry but he just can't stop jumping. He is usually laughing and babbling to himself when he is in it. It will have to come to Oma's place at Christmas or he is going to be very disappointed.

The neighbourhood Christmas party was held at our house this year. There were nearly more babies than adults as Landry, Chloe, Rowan and Calum were all able to visit Kian (and the adults). I now realize why I go to bed at 10 o'clock because when you go to bed at midnight (as we did after the party) and the baby gets up every hour, and then is really awake at 6 in the morning it makes for a very difficult day the next day. That next day though was Kian's first breakfast with Santa and we couldn't miss that (although we did have a tough time hearing the alarm). He was very excited to see Santa for the first time and gave him a really long list for Christmas.

Also Grandma visited us last weekend and had lots of fun laughing with Kian. We look forward to seeing her, and all our family and friends over Christmas!

1 comment:

Guy & Jacquie said...

Being able to snuggle Kian at Christmas was the best present ever!