Sunday, June 22, 2008

Our First Month

Smiles, smiles!

One month has gone by so quickly I don't even know where to start!

We moved into our new house successfully, although the U-Haul had a hard time making it into our very steep driveway and the road in front of our house will bear the marks until they some day (!) decide to repave it! Unpacking all our stuff was motivating in the first week, but then we decided that the dining room really couldn't be entered until the wall paper was stripped and the book shelves really couldn't go up until the carpet was removed.... Hopefully the boxes will be gone soon!

Moving in!

Wales! I missed you!

Kian is growing like a weed! He has decided in the last week that he is feeding himself and that mom and dad can't help anymore. That makes things a little more messy but he seems to getting enough to eat! His two front teeth are now in and he is walking holding on to our hands. He is fast on his hands and knees that you have to run to put up the baby gates before he gets there!

Kian and I have joined a mom and baby hiking group. We have only been on one walk so far but we walk at least 5 km a day around the golf course. I do it with Kian on my back. I must say that is pretty tiring! Mark and I have tried to meet some of the neighbours. They are all very nice. It seems that the people who lived her before us really weren't liked very much and no one talked to them.

Worn out from the walk.

We are really enjoying the new house, neighbourhood and Victoria in general so far. We are looking forward to our first visitors....!

Still my favourite!

Boy do they have big squirrels here!

Calling Oma!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Quirky House

Well, I am finally getting to posting photos of our new quirky house. It was built in 1929 so it has some things happening in it that are a little strange by today's standards. All the previous owners seemed to have their say about how it should look and now we have the chance to have ours as well! The house is a great place for kids, with a secret walk-through closet into the kids rooms upstairs, a strange little closet under the stairs and a really narrow passage way to the front door, as well as a basement with exposed rock good for playing tag in and a dog house for Mark...just kidding! One thing it doesn't have is window screens which is great for the cats, but not for me trying to keep them in the house! At least there are no mosquitos. The previous owners weren't much for gardening so the gardens are a little (!) wild at the moment. We are hoping to get there this summer, but we will see.

I have started removing the lovely wall paper that seems to be everywhere. I think some of it must be really old because I don't remember the last time I saw gold wall paper at Home Depot...! I have to keep reminding myself that I can only start one project at a time. There are so many that we want to do.

We're home!

Picnic in the kitchen.

Kitchen door.

Blue kitchen.....

The wall paper scene in the window to no-where

Some lovely wall paper in the spare room. Note the gold wall paper in the closet...

Secret walk-through closet from loft to Kian's room.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Where are we going, mom?

To Victoria, British Columbia!!!

I LOVE the airplane!

I see it!

We're here!

This wet stuff is so fascinating, Auntie Renee!

Want to make a sand castle with me?

Fitting in in BC. 100% green!

Grandpa is here!

Abra-kadabra I turn Atlas into a DOG...

I can't stop smiling!

At Butchart Gardens with Grandpa.

Are we done yet?

Bye, see you soon!