Saturday, January 31, 2009

Potholes, Potties, Policemen and Pianos

Magic suit! Keeps the mud off and wind out! Just plop child in and go!

My new favourite photo! Kian's new favourite snack Nutella with apples. I might have to start putting him in the magic suit BEFORE he eats this!

Ok, we start with Potholes....I have never in my life lived in a place that reports on which street the potholes are! CBC reports the weather (which is the same everyday...somewhere between 0 and 10 and partly cloudy) and then has the pothole report. Crazy! Can you imagine if they reported every pothole in Ottawa! I think people would be afraid to go out!

Kian has big news this week. Yesterday he has his first adventure on the potty and LOVED it! In fact, I had a hard time getting him off the pot once he was done! We have had a potty out for him since he was 11 months old because he has known how to take his diaper off since then. He usually would just play around it and occasionally I would find toys in there but yesterday he finally decided to use the big boy's toilet. Guess he isn't a little boy any more!

Mark and I decided to take Kian swimming together for a change this morning. We were a bit confused as to why half our road was shut off and took a bit of a detour to the pool. There was another section of road that was cut off and a cruiser waiting at the traffic light with a cop telling people something. It couldn't have been a murder or anything because the most violent year there has been in Victoria was last year with ONE homicide! We were shocked to hear that there was BLACK ICE...can you imagine? The cops here really have nothing to do I think.

All dressed up!

Who's that guy?

And so we come to pianos... I think we are going to be getting a piano sometime. We were invited to our first Victoria wedding today. For some reason (maybe regrettably!) children were welcome to come. Our little monster corrupted all the other children into playing the piano and then running around like a broken wind-up toy for three hours! People were wondering how the shy little boy who arrived could become SOOO crazy in so little time. He crashed pretty hard... particularly after the high chair fell on him.... What a nice early night for us to relax, read a book and finally get some more photos on the blog!

The monster and his new friends. Corrupted them he did!

Monster bums!

Important business to conduct at U Vic. Someone is going to be a little confused as to why they can't reach their voice mail since Kian saved some changes he made while conducting his business.

January 19th, yes those are flowers blooming and the rodos are blooming too.....

Those are golfers on Jan 17th.... they don't go away here!

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