Friday, July 24, 2009

Just really slow lately...

"Hello there!"

Ok, so I have been incredibly slow with this blog lately. I'm lucky if I remember to take the camera with me when I go out. Which I usually forget to do. Like today, when I took Kian to the beach with a bunch of his friends. Needless to say, you won't be seeing any of those photos today. We are actually going back to the beach tomorrow so that I can take some photos!

Nice goaty goat.

Hey! That's my hat!

Lets see, what's new, well I think the first big news (and worst kept secret!) is that we are expecting our second child in November. Maybe that is why the brain seems to have shut off lately! We are really exited and can't wait for the new arrival. I'm feeling great now, although get very tired by the end of the day having chased Kian for most of it. The first few months I could have done without but that is all over now. And no, we don't know what we are having and don't want to find out before. We will surprise all of you (and ourselves!) in November.

To prepare for the new baby we have decided to rip the house apart and make it completely un-baby safe. Great...

We had our home energy assessment done for our house at the end of May. It turns our that what we where expecting was in fact what we got. On a scale of 1 to 100, 1 being out in the fresh air and 100 being unattainable, our house rates at a 45. Not very good for energy efficiency or warmth, as we found out last winter. We have no insulation in most of the exterior walls and want to put something in them (hopefully) before this winter hits too hard. Too hard, for Victoria standards anyway.

Mark is busy removing plaster from the walls in our spare room right now. The walls are definitely hollow.... There have been some interesting finds already with a house that was originally built in 1929 and I'm sure we are going to find some more. I will post reno photos in the next blog post so that this one doesn't get too long.

I just had to add this funny story. Since we have been renovating the spare room all the extra stuff that has been stored in there has had to be moved out, i.e extra kleenex, toilet paper, etc. including the things that I don't need right now, like maxi pads and tampons. Well I had to find a place for all these things so they have ended up in the bathroom downstairs. Kian likes to play in the extras and found the items not needed at the moment. I was not paying attention for a few minutes and Kian was watching Bob The Builder on the computer downstairs, or so I thought. When I went to check on him to make sure he was ok I saw a box that I thought was white chalk from a distance and wondered where he found that. Once I got closer to him I realized that it was a box of tampons and that he had chewed on at least half a dozen of them already. Guess they were tasty!

Sharing the car with my buddy Jacob

Snacks on the grate with my friend Ysabella

Can you believe that my mom made me chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream and syrup?!

Canada Day in Victoria. Not the same as Ottawa at all!

Lounging by the pool with my snack.

At the beach

Playing in the sand with daddy

24 weeks.....

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