Monday, August 10, 2009

Bung, bung, bung.......

First blackberrries of the season, fantastic!

As if the blackberries all over his face weren't enough he decided to fill the rest in with high lighter!

It is finally raining today. I know everyone in Ontario and Eastern Canada, as well as in the UK, can't WAIT for the rain to stop but we haven't had any here and desperately need it. Our garden is finally planted and we are expecting to be able to harvest a bunch of fall vegetables, and most likely share them with all our friends who have been doing the same with their spring and summer crops.

I made a discovery today that our plum tree, that we thought was only ornamental, actually has plums on it the size of cherries and they are SOOOO sweet. Kian and I wanted to pick them but it was pouring at the time and we need to get the ladder out so we will wait for dad to get home. In the mean time we have tons of raspberry jam to make. And dinner to make....

The last couple weeks are a bit of a blur, as with most of my weeks! I know that I had a birthday and celebrated with a great group of friends. Shawna was nice enough to bake a cake, that was wonderful, as well as cook a fabulous dinner. We all had a great time and I know that all the kids were worn out after an evening of playing together. I got a smoker from my family and friends and can't wait to try it out. Mark is convinced that the turkey for thanksgiving will be smoked this year. I'm not to sure about that but we can see.

A fabulous birthday cake made by Shawna for my birthday, zucchini chocolate cake.

Katie certainly enjoying her cake!

We were at the beach a couple times to cool down by the water during the hottest days of the heat wave that just passed us. The water is way to cold for me to go in more that a couple inches but it was enough to just be by it to cool down. Kian and I collected a bunch of nice shells and played in the sand. We also had a picnic with some friends and had so much fun that Kian decided that the next day we had to go back with daddy.

For the August long weekend we decided that we wouldn't go camping and maybe get some of our projects around the house done or moving along. We were able to make a dent in them at least. Kian is a wonderful helper, even if it is in his own little way....

Our renovations seem to be moving along slowly. Uncle Darcy came by yesterday expecting to be building a sandbox and play structure and instead helped in the spare room to remove all the cedar shake shingle off the wall and some more plaster. There is light at the end of the tunnel and I think we can actually think about having the room finished before the end of September. Kian was very helpful with his little hammer, wrench, pliers and screw driver. He proceeded around the room hammering all the walls and removing all the nails. He calls his hammer a "bung bung" and that's what he says when he uses it. The screw driver is a "wee wee" because it turns when you use it. The wrench apparently makes a good spoon for cereal... not too sure about that one.

Picking the first apples of the season at St. Ann's Academy.

Climbing with my hero, my dad!

Climbing the trees at St. Ann's Academy. By myself.....

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