Thursday, January 20, 2011

Christmas 2010

My boys!
In the middle of all our renovations Christmas happened.  We tried to get as much done as we could but the despite that the walls that were partially up were still raw.  Mark had been out of town for a good 2 1/2 weeks at the beginning of December which didn't  help the renovating but we made out pretty good anyway and the kids didn't notice one bit.

The boys had a blast and were completely overwhelmed with all the gifts that they were given.  In particular after auntie Renee came over with all the stuff Santa had left at their place.  We had a wonderful dinner with Bruce and Treana at our place on Christmas eve and with Auntie Renee and Ed and Cheryl and their two kids, Bella and Alex, on Christmas day.  Ed and Cheryl and family were in Victoria for the holidays.  It was great to see them!  Kian informed Mark and I that he would be crying and crying when Bella left, he has such a good time.  It's unfortunate that we couldn't spend more time together.  Both Kian and Julean ended up with the norovirus that was going around here on boxing day and it lasted until new year's day.  It knocked them flat.  All the plans that we had were pushed a side and it was actually a nice quiet holiday, apart from cleaning up vomit and lovely diapers, I mean.

We are now over all of our illnesses and getting back to normal.  My dad was out here briefly on his way out to Kelowna skiing.  We haven't seen him in a year so it was a nice visit.  I think he was a bit disappointed that there wasn't more work going on in the house to help with.  We are only getting back to it now.  Hopefully it will be done by the time he gets back at the end of March.

We are also on the hunt for a new car.  Not a job that I enjoy at all but ours is starting to show its age and require more work then it's worth and, being and east coast car, the rust is starting to creep into more places than we would like to admit.  We will keep you posted on that one.

Some photos from the holidays.  I didn't actually end up taking all that many because the boys were sick.

Julean all dressed up

So happy to get an entire bowl of popcorn to himself!

Decorating the tree

Helping empty the boxes
Renovating, but dressed up!

My chair is back!  It must be Christmas!

Santa brought presents!

A forklift to help with the drywall!

A fireman to put out the fires!

And a doctor to fix all the boo boos!

A builder to help fix the house

And a pirate ship to rob for gold to pay for all the renos!

Music Maestro!

Simon and Kian 

Some good friends

Cuddles with Sozi

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi mom its your son i miss sozi and atlas i saw the picture you posted and its so cute