Monday, February 18, 2008

6 Months Old!

It's hard to believe that 6 months have gone by already! I feel as though I have been walking through a dream, and maybe I have with the lack of sleep we have experienced for the most part! Kian is actually starting to sleep really well through the night now. The last three nights Mark and I have been waking up wondering if we slept through the crying or what happened to the baby to make him sleep that long. We have a schedule that seems to work which is great!

There has been quite a bit of snow in the last few weeks. The barbeque is no where to be found in the snow, the cats don't leave the deck (if they even decide to go out at all) and the snow pile out front is up to the top of the garage door. Winter isn't over yet. Mark celebrated his big 3-5 birthday this past week. I don't know if he feels any older but he has enough power tools now to build the house from scratch! Maybe some of our projects will get finished soon.....

Kian had his first cold. That wasn't all that much fun. He didn't understand why he couldn't breathe through his nose and would get really upset about it, which didn't make breathing any easier! He was really teething last week as well so we weren't sure if that was possibly making the cold seem worse.

Uncle Guy and Auntie Jacquie were up for a night to visit. Kian loved hanging out with them. He is starting to play strange with some people when they come over but we have figured out if you sing The Hokey Pokey he is laughing and happy and they are safe then. Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? is his favourite book (I can now recite Mr. Brown can Moo for anyone who is interested!) and of course, Itsy Bitsy Spider is still at the top of the list as the favourite song. Swimming lessons are enjoyable. We jumped off the side of the pool and went down the slide as best as we could last week. He isn't crawling yet but every day we wonder if we should dig out the baby gates. He is sitting up mostly unsupported now and playing with his toys. That gives us a few minutes to do something. Very shortly we will be able to introduce other food into his diet and I'm sure he can't wait! He can wait, I'm sure, for his 6 month shots that he gets next week! Maybe daddy will be able to make it this time. Kian also understands the sign for milk, although he can't do it yet, and he knows who the cats are when you ask him. He likes the watch cat "TV".

The month of March will be spent in Niagara at Oma and Opa's place. Mark and I have decided to attempt the car ride. Lets see who will be taking the train home!

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