Friday, March 14, 2008

TWO Teeth!

It has been a busy couple of weeks. Mark and I decided we would attempt the drive to Southern Ontario with Kian in the car. It went surprisingly well! We made a few stops on the way and decided to travel on the American side of the lake. Kian was absolutely fascinated by the carousel at the mall in Syracuse so, of course, we went for a ride. We did arrive at Oma and Opa's place in 9 hours rather than the 15 that it took last time.

Oma's knee surgery went well. We went to visit her everyday in the hospital (except the day of the big storm!) and tried to cheer up all the other patients who were there as well. I think Kian was really missed when he left! Oma is now out of the hospital and doing well.

Kian cut his first two teeth while we were away. He also started on vegetables and is even crawling now. Backwards, slowly, but on his hands and knees and moving none the less! I guess we better baby proof the house fast! We didn't get to visit as much as we would have liked because most people were out of town and the two snow storms that came through made driving interesting in a town where there seems to only be one snow plow! We did see Barb and Ed and Kian had a fabulous time playing with Ed.

Some photos to keep you updated.

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