Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Trouble Maker!

I love my bath!

Toilet paper....!

Mom's tupperware! This is the greatest toy!

My bobo (forehead on the left side)....

We are in the process of packing and getting ourselves organized to move out west. Things are moving quickly and this weekend we are attempting the garage sale again...anyone close by should come say 'hi'.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Found a House!

My new favourite thing!

Checking out the snow balls before they disappear for the season!
Last weekend we made it out to Victoria for our house hunting trip. Kian was amazing on the plane and adjusted the same day to the time change. He adjusted the same day once we got home as well!

Victoria was beautiful, although I don't know if I believe the people who say that it is always warm and sunny since it was cold and even snowed while we were there. We started looking at houses as soon as we got off the plane. Kian was really good, although he had had enough of getting in and out of the car after about 6 houses and we decided to call it a day. The following day Kian spent the afternoon with daddy and mommy did a 6 hour tour of Victoria and looked at 20 houses. Things get a bit blurry after about 4 or 5 but I did manage to get a short list of 4 and then we added one we hadn't seen the next day. That one sprung a leak as we were looking at it! Not just a small one either. Water was pouring into the basement!

We decided that we really liked a character house built in 1929. It is a great house for Kian to grow up in with lots of little quirks and hiding places. We may regret it when he gets in trouble and he decides to hide from us for hours! It is 2300 square feet of living space on a quarter acer of land with a long sloped driveway and mature trees! The house is across the street from a golf course which has a cedar chip trail around it as well a great duck pond. I know Kian and I will be feeding the ducks often. I think that we are really going to enjoy our new city and the challenges that will go along with it.

Kian is getting his 4 top teeth at the moment. I was wondering why my sleep pattern was getting worse! He is really fast on his hands and knees and the cats now scatter when I put him on the ground. He started climbing the stairs yesterday so I had to break down and actually install the baby gate. I was hoping to not have to unpack it only to pack it again shortly. He went on the swings in the park for the first time and LOVED them. The slide and see saw weren't very interesting yet but I'm sure that will come.

Look what I can do! Sneaking up on Sozi.
My fire truck!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Okay, I realize that we haven't updated Kian's blog for a while. We do have an excuse! There have been quite a few things on the go lately. Kian is now crawling and boy is he fast! The cats are beginning to regret accepting him in the the household since the first thing he goes for is the cat food and the fireplace. He would also rather play with their toys than his own.

We have surprised quite a few people with the news that we are moving out to British Columbia. Mark has accepted a job with the B.C. government and starts with them on May 20th. That meant that we had to finally finish all our house projects in a big hurry and get our house on the market as fast as possible. As a close friend said today ""Later" finally came!". The house went on the market on Friday and sold on Saturday so I guess we did something right! Now we are up for a challenge to find somewhere to live in Victoria. We plan to go on a house hunting trip later this week to scope out the potential houses (or dumps!) in our price range.

Hopefully we will be updating the blog again before we hit the coast for good, but here are some photos to enjoy!