Sunday, April 13, 2008


Okay, I realize that we haven't updated Kian's blog for a while. We do have an excuse! There have been quite a few things on the go lately. Kian is now crawling and boy is he fast! The cats are beginning to regret accepting him in the the household since the first thing he goes for is the cat food and the fireplace. He would also rather play with their toys than his own.

We have surprised quite a few people with the news that we are moving out to British Columbia. Mark has accepted a job with the B.C. government and starts with them on May 20th. That meant that we had to finally finish all our house projects in a big hurry and get our house on the market as fast as possible. As a close friend said today ""Later" finally came!". The house went on the market on Friday and sold on Saturday so I guess we did something right! Now we are up for a challenge to find somewhere to live in Victoria. We plan to go on a house hunting trip later this week to scope out the potential houses (or dumps!) in our price range.

Hopefully we will be updating the blog again before we hit the coast for good, but here are some photos to enjoy!

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