Sunday, September 27, 2009


We signed Kian up for gymnastics because we thought he might like an outlet for all of his energy. Boy were we right and boy are we in trouble now! He had such a great time we couldn't get him to leave after the class was over. I think we are now in for it when we go to the park to play. Now he knows how to use all the big kid stuff and isn't scared of anything! Mark worked up a sweat helping him in the class. It was a good nap day.

It was a very busy weekend. After gymnastics we has a birthday party to go to at the beach. Kian was on the playground designed for the 5-12 year olds, of course. Sunday we had a christening for our new little friend Colin. He is now 6 weeks old.

Here are a few photos for your enjoyment.

Kian! Look at all the fun stuff we get to do!

Waiting my turn in line....

Through the tunnel...

That was fun daddy!

Rope swing!

The BEST! (I think the look on the kid's face in the background says it all! No one else went on the rope swing but Kian!)

Swing on the bars...

Through the tube...

What a star!

At the beach with dad after the birthday party.

A freighter coming in.

In the tree house with my two best friends, Katie and Jacob.

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