Monday, November 23, 2009

New Arrival!

Introducing Julean!

First night at the hospital after our first bath.

We have an almost identical photo of Kian.

Who's this Mom?

Nice to finally meet you Spud!

Finally, after being a week overdue, Kian has a new baby brother to announce to the world! Julean Markus was born at Victoria General on Friday November 20th at 19:54, weighing 7 lbs, 9 onz (3.4 kg).

The day started with Mark and I going to the hospital in the morning for a scheduled ultrasound and Non-stress test to make sure that the baby was still doing well and had enough fluid left. We were told that he was perfectly happy and healthy and that he could stay for a while still if he wanted. Great...! I wasn't to thrilled to hear that since I was overdone with being pregnant! The nurse did ask how the first pregnancy and labour went and when she found out how fast Kian came strongly suggested that we not attempt to make the drive to the hospital ourselves but rather call an ambulance.

Friday afternoon we decided that we should go downtown to look in some art stores and get some fish and chips for dinner. It was pouring rain so we ran into Chintz and Company to get a bit of a break from the downpour. After a few minutes wandering around in the store I decided that I had had enough and sat down on a $3000 chair to wait for Mark and Kian. It's a good thing they didn't take too long or we might have been buying the chair.

We did make it home and ordered some Chinese food, but after two bites my water broke and we did in fact have to make that call for an ambulance. Kian was a little upset that mom and dad were leaving but got distracted with the ambulance and fire truck that arrived to take mommy to the hospital. I think it was a wise move to call an ambulance since Mark said to the dispatcher " Hi... my water's wife just broke". I think he was a little flustered and it was probably and good thing he wasn't driving during rush hour to the hospital.

Julean was born within an hour of arriving at the hospital with no time for any drugs. Daddy got to cut the cord this time. Everyone was doing great, happy and healthy. Kian was really happy to have mom and dad back at home a couple nights later and told us a few times that he really missed us. (I think he had a good time with Oma while we were away.)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Dead Fish!

Cuddles with dad.

I was hoping to announce the new arrival to the family but instead I'm writing about dead fish.

November 11th was a good day to avoid the crowds of downtown (in case we had to make a run for the hospital) and go out to Goldstream Park to see the salmon run. My mom is now in town with us and has never seen the salmon run. Since we are all now waiting around for the imminent arrival and going a little stir-crazy in the house we decided it would be a nice treat.

About a week ago I was getting in the car with a friend when her little one decided to tell me about all the dead fish he had seen at the beach. I thought that was pretty funny and decided to tell Mark the story. I guess Kian was listening a little closer than I thought because as we pulled into Goldstream Park the three of us heard a little voice in the back seat of the car say "dead fish!". Of course we all thought that was hilarious and then got out to put on our rubber boots and coats so that we could see all the fish in the stream. Kian was running up and down the banks of the stream telling everyone there that there were dead fish in the water. Of course we thought that was funny but I think most people thought we were probably teaching our child a few strange things. I must say that there weren't all that many dead fish this year and it wasn't nearly as smelly as it was when we went last year for the first time.

If you ask Kian now what he saw at the stream he still tells you that he saw "dead fish". Nothing about the live ones swimming up stream.

As for this baby... since today is the "official" due date I decided that I would take the family out to the park and fly a kite. Kian loves to fly his kite so I chased after it for a while and then while Mark was pushing him in the swing decided to go for a bounce on the industrial see-saw. It's a see-saw that has these huge springs instead of the traditional type up-down that needs two people. I'm hoping that after half an hour on there as well as the kite chasing that I will be able to blog the baby's arrival next instead of some more adventures in "wait-ville"!

Hi Mommy!

I'm taller than you are, daddy!

Having fun with mom and Oma.

Feeding the bunnies at U Vic.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Tick or Eat in the Hauny House

A "green" crayon, apparently....

I think the month of October went by WAAAAY to quickly! I don't remember even blinking and it is now November!

Kian and daddy pick out pumpkins

Kian got to go to the pumpkin patch again this year to pick out his pumpkin. The highlight of his day was getting to ride on the tractor out to the patch and back. I don't think we could have asked for a bigger smile! We didn't actually get around to carving the pumpkin but I don't think it really would have mattered since we don't get "tick or eater's" at our house anyway. (To be honest with you, I wouldn't trick or treat at our place either with the long steep windy driveway all for a piece of candy?)

Kian practiced his "trick or treat" for about two weeks before he was able to use it. When he was finally able to use his new words on halloween it was "tick or eat". Very cute for our little crayon who insisted that he was green and not blue when he was asked what colour he was. He was a very good trick or treater and always said thank you to everyone and always put every piece of candy in his little bag. As a treat at the end he got to chose something to have. I felt really guilty taking out all the stuff that I knew he wouldn't eat or like once he went to bed because he was so good. Guess mom and dad will just rot their teeth instead of him!

WOW! They gave me candy and mom let me have it!

Window shopping

Gymnastics seems to be a highlight for the week of the little bundle of energy. Mark and I heard about Lynn (his instructor) and the "hauny house" all weekend because they built one at gymnastics class and Kian spend pretty much all the free time in it. The day before I had taken him to a play group where there was a "hauny house" and spend the hour and a half chasing him out of the gym area and through the "hauny house". The woman at the door thought it was really funny. Me? Not so much since I'm really pregnant now!

Tickle my toes daddy!

Wheel barrow

Foam pit with daddy

Speaking of pregnant, I'm just about done now. Actually, I'm done, Spud doesn't seem to agree. My mom gets here in a couple days and then I will definitely be done anytime! The spare room is finally painted and has a new bed. There are a few minor details that need to be finished but most likely won't happen until the next room gets started since we need somethings that will get purchased at that time and don't have a place to store them until then. We have had our first fire in our new fireplace and it was really nice. Two projects done, now to get on with the rest of the house!

The Olympic flame came through Victoria on Friday. Kian and I went downtown and met Mark at work. Actually we just invaded one of the vacant offices and had a better view than if we had been on the ground. Kian was also contained to a floor in the building rather than the street where I would have been chasing him again.

Torch relay

Olympic torch going by

Torch bearers