Sunday, December 6, 2009

The ABC's Aquariums, Buses, Curses....

I forgot how hard it was to get out of the house in time for ANYTHING with an infant. Add a toddler and it makes it even more interesting. I have come to the conclusion that I will be at least 1/2 an hour later for everything.

Julean is doing great. Gaining weight, at least I think, since I haven't had the time to go and have him weighed like I did with Kian every week for the first month or so. Guess that's where it starts. No photos of the second child, no getting the baby weighed. Guess they have to just make sure nothing seriously goes wrong that I'm supposed to notice. He is a good sleeper and seems to know that he plays second fiddle to his brother who I really have to entertain, and 9/10s of the time chase.

Julean 2 weeks old

Kian was promised a bus ride a couple weeks ago. It didn't happen when we hoped so I decided that last Monday I would take him downtown on the bus to see the Christmas trees all lit up at the Empress. He was THRILLED to be able to ride the bus. The highlight of the month I think. The Christmas trees were ok if you ask me but if you ask Kian which one he liked the best he would tell you the " Bobby-Bob tree". That would be the one with all the construction stuff on it and the diggers underneath. He was really good about putting all the stuff back after he was finished playing with them. Daddy came by briefly to say hi and then we were back on the bus for a thrilling ride back home.

WOW on the BUS!

Bobby-Bob tree

Now I have to tell you about the cursing. My mom is in town at the moment to give us a hand with the new arrival. She keeps telling us that we have a two year old in the house and really should watch what we are staying around him. I'm sure all parents get that advise from other parents. Mark and I don't swear around the kids, or really in general, so we weren't too sure why we were being told this so often. We did figure it out a few days later when my mom was letting out the cat, for the 1000th time that morning and said "Atlas, you buggar, do you have to go out again?!" Kian, of course, picked up on the one word we don't use and has been using it on a regular basis. Like when you ask him what his little brother's name is "Buggar" or when he is singing on the bus "Buggar buggar buggar buggar " etc. I wondering what people think I teach my children.

Mark had Friday morning off so we visited the Sidney aquarium. It was our first trip out there and a really interesting place to visit. Kian was a little scared of the jellyfish and the larger fish but I'm sure with some more visits out he will have as much fun as mom and dad did. There is a touch tank which was neat, although I really didn't want to touch the animals. I only did it so that Kian wouldn't be scared of them.


Our house just got a little busier than planned. Mark's mom is in town for a visit. The weather has turned really cold all of a sudden so all the outside stuff that we would usually do at this time of the year is out and Kian is becoming a menace sometimes during the day because he really needs to run around outside. Mark was out playing soccer last night and got hit. He ended up at the ER and came home with a broken leg in a cast and crutches. I guess things will just have to slow down a little more and I'm going to have to go to gymnastics with him. I was hoping Mark would go next week because I was exausted after the class on Saturday morning! Good thing there is only one left for the year!

Better sign off and go to bed!

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