Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Fire Station

Know where we are going today?

Hold on to your firemen hats! We are at the fire station!

Kian has been obsessed with Fireman Sam, and anything fire related, for months now so I thought I would try to book a tour of the fire station in Saanich. I didn't want to tell him a head of time because I would get "right now?" for the two weeks prior to the big tour. He was so good the week before the tour that it became the special treat that was worth every minute in his mind. (If anyone reading this post has not had a tour of the fire station in their area and they have small kids, it is well worth it. Usually the tour is free, too.) He was so excited about the firemen and the trucks. I have never seen him listen so well! We had a great time and I'm sure we will be back since I heard " right now?" before we even left the parking lot!

Thanks for the tour to all the firemen at Station #1!

Kian driving the fire boat

Julean and Colin hitching a ride on the fire boat

Driving the fire truck! Wow, mommy, wow!

This truck is really big!

Fireman Craig : " Does anyone know what these are?"
Kian: "Ya, the jaws-of-life!"
Fireman Craig: " uhhhhh!! Ya..."

Fireman Craig talking about the ladder truck. Obviously Kian looks like he could care less!

Eventually Fireman Craig stopped talking to the rest of the group and only talked to Kian.

I think this photo speaks for itself!

Thanks to the firemen at Saanich Station #1!

Monday, April 19, 2010


I love my brother!

For the past week Kian has been walking around with his hand down the collar of his shirt. Mark decided to ask him what was down his shirt and got the reply "many, many boobs daddy!". Like don't you know?! I'm not too sure what to think about this. Maybe it has something to do with nursing Julean. I guess it is a little better than when he was walking around trying to pump breast milk to feed to his stuffed snake. I'm sure it is just another phase in his development that he will eventually grow out of. He doesn't have a problem telling anyone what is down his shirt though and I sometimes get strange looks from people. They must wonder what I'm teaching my child! Maybe that is what Napoleon was doing with his hand in his shirt too.

Kian and Julean were so good last week that I was wondering if my luck was going to run out sometime. Not just yet so I hope that isn't just a faze!

Tomorrow is the big fire station day. I booked a tour for Kian and a few of his little friends to go to the Saanich fire station to see the fire fighters and play on the trucks. I'm sure they are going to have a fantastic time and I will be asked to go back "right now" for the rest of the week. Apparently you have to be a pre-school to go for a tour, so I made one up, but I'm sure the "Blenkinsop Kids Club" will be back soon.

Some photos of Kian and Julean - two brothers who get along really well - at least for the time being.

Favourite past time (Julean 4 1/2 mth)

Favourite past time

The "fire ladder" and the "fire rope"

My friend Jacob

Looking up to my big brother

A helping hand

Julean and mom in the "fire house"

Does this desk bring back any grade school memories?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter n' Stuff

Riding along in my automobile....

We hope you all had a very happy Easter! We had a nice long weekend although it wasn't as warm and sunny as it had been the week before. Grandpa (Mark's dad) decided to come out for a visit. He hasn't been out to see us since he drove our stuff across the country 2 years ago. Has it really been that long?! It was nice to see him and Mark instantly put him to work building a play structure for the boys. This was the weekend that it was going to be built!

Julean, I think the Easter Bunny left this for you!

Hunting for treats in my "fire house"...

Thanks Easter Bunnies for all the goodies!

Kian was very "helpful" bringing all kinds of tools to use and measure and "buzz" with. Once the platform was built he was so excited to go up that he wasn't going to wait for the ladder to be built and decided to climb the fence to get to the top. I'm sure the neighbours are going to be thrilled about that! In his mind it just wasn't going fast enough! Both boys thoroughly enjoy the swing and sandbox and I'm happy I might just be able to get dinner made without the extra help in the kitchen. Way to go dad!

Power tools!

The peanut gallery waiting as patiently as they can for the playground to be finished


and measuring....

We also managed to start getting out vegetables planted in the garden. The carrots, spinach, lettuce, beets, brussel sprouts, radishes, potatoes and beans are in, although I have been told that the beans are too early. We'll see what happens we can always plant more seeds. Can't wait to see them actually growing and being able to harvest them! It is starting to feel like we are accomplishing something.

Julean started eating cereal in the last couple weeks. He loves it! In fact we always get a complaint when we are done and he wants more. I think he wants steak next. His teeth are also on the move. I think there are three that are about to come through and can't wait until that happens. Poor baby! He has been surprisingly well tempered. He is in for a nice surprise at the end of the week when he gets to got for his second set of shots... dad's off so he gets to come for these ones. Mommy doesn't do so well with needles.

Cereal is good!

What do you mean there isn't any more?!

I think that is about it for the moment. Here are a bunch of photos to keep you all updated. Enjoy!

Kian thought that Julean might need to borrow his "E-E-Bob's".

I just had to put this one in!

Julean( 4 months) and his buddy Collin (7 1/2 months)

Julean with daddy

Kian in his element!

This is how you walk on the rocks, grandpa!

This tree is big big big and way way up!