Monday, April 19, 2010


I love my brother!

For the past week Kian has been walking around with his hand down the collar of his shirt. Mark decided to ask him what was down his shirt and got the reply "many, many boobs daddy!". Like don't you know?! I'm not too sure what to think about this. Maybe it has something to do with nursing Julean. I guess it is a little better than when he was walking around trying to pump breast milk to feed to his stuffed snake. I'm sure it is just another phase in his development that he will eventually grow out of. He doesn't have a problem telling anyone what is down his shirt though and I sometimes get strange looks from people. They must wonder what I'm teaching my child! Maybe that is what Napoleon was doing with his hand in his shirt too.

Kian and Julean were so good last week that I was wondering if my luck was going to run out sometime. Not just yet so I hope that isn't just a faze!

Tomorrow is the big fire station day. I booked a tour for Kian and a few of his little friends to go to the Saanich fire station to see the fire fighters and play on the trucks. I'm sure they are going to have a fantastic time and I will be asked to go back "right now" for the rest of the week. Apparently you have to be a pre-school to go for a tour, so I made one up, but I'm sure the "Blenkinsop Kids Club" will be back soon.

Some photos of Kian and Julean - two brothers who get along really well - at least for the time being.

Favourite past time (Julean 4 1/2 mth)

Favourite past time

The "fire ladder" and the "fire rope"

My friend Jacob

Looking up to my big brother

A helping hand

Julean and mom in the "fire house"

Does this desk bring back any grade school memories?

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