Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Elvis is back!

I think we are the only ones who weren't shocked to FINALLY wake up one morning to snow on the ground.  There was at least 25 cm, too!  The boys ere so excited to get outside that getting them to have breakfast was a challenge.  Kian was afraid it would all melt before he got to go out and play.  It didn't melt, it stayed for 4 days and I did have to shovel the driveway, and 4 others as well.  I felt bad for some of our older neighbours so I shoveled their driveways and walkways as well.  I did open my door the next day to find a thank you note and a bottle of Bailey's so I guess it does come back to you sometimes :).

Julean loved the sled ride this year and Kian got to try out his skis.  He LOVED skiing so I'm sure next year when we tell him that we are going to the really big hills he won't mind.  He wouldn't come in to eat dinner at night, socking wet and tired!

My three boys

First run, needing a little help from dad

Trekking off to a bigger hill.

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