Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas (and lead up to it)

Cooking up a storm!

Well we are a little behind in the blogging with the lead up to Christmas. It has been snowing here like crazy and that has changed some of our plans as we have had to go out to shovel instead of doing whatever it was that we had planned. It is most unusual that most people in Victoria do not own a snow shovel and do not have a scraper for their car. (I actually had to stop someone from pouring hot water on their windshield the other day! I thought everyone knew what would happen if you did that!) Our snow shovel is actually rented out at the moment. And Mark didn't want to move it...!

Shoveling snow

The dining room is not quite finished, as was hoped, due to the weather, but good enough to use for our first Christmas in the house. (Getting out to get supplies was a bit of a challenge with the snow and the fact that everything closes down when it snows.) This is the first white Christmas in Victoria since 1971.....we have been blamed for it by just about everyone now.

Sunrise outside our window

Kian and I baked cookies and then he went out with dad to chop down the tree. I think Jim and Shelagh next door thought we were kidding when we told them which tree we were going to use as a Christmas tree. (It did look a little better once Kian decorated it!) Santa did come to visit and Kian was thrilled with all the things he got. He loves his little horsey and the kitchen that he got from Renee and Darcy. He has been very busy lately. I think he knew Santa was coming!

Making cookies

Come on dad, lets go get our tree!

Will this fit on my sled?

And Cheryl thought their tree looked like a "Charlie Brown tree'....

Checking the decorations

Kian grew a centimeter in the last month and got two of his eye teeth. I think the other two are shortly on the way. He seems to be just shy of toilet training. He has started telling us now when he needs a new diaper and today he told us just before he needed one. I think we are making progress! He is also FINALLY sleeping the entire night in his own bed and going to bed on his own, although he has decided that his security blanket is my dressing gown!

Hope you are all well and got everything you asked for from Santa!

Santa brought me a horsey

Opening presents with dad

Opening presents with mom

Dinner at Auntie Renee's and Uncle Darcy's

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