Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow! ... and Santa!

Time continues to fly and Christmas is almost upon us. It was a big weekend here in Victoria. First we went to a breakfast with Santa at the Gordon Head Community Centre where there were lots of crafts. Santa was a bit late and when he arrived he was swarmed with kids (so we couldn't get a good photo). Then we ran into Santa again at Mayfair mall (and that Santa looked much more authentic...real beard and all).

Sunday we woke up to nearly 10 cm of snow! I know, I thought we were immune to that here but I guess someone thought those of us recently transplanted from Ontario needed a taste of home. Kian really enjoyed playing in the snow, and riding on his sled down the driveway. He got going so fast that he started to pass Mom and Dad (whoever was pulling him).

Doing crafts at the breakfast with Santa

Hi Santa...look Mom here's Santa.

I think that I know this story...

My snow suit still fits!

Faster Mommy faster!


Let's go again!

Down the hill with Daddy this time!

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