Sunday, December 7, 2008

Santa Parade

Just reading in my favourite chair.

Ahhhh, this chair is just right......

Christmas is sneaking up on us faster than we are prepared for. As nice as the weather is here there isn't even the remotest hint of a snow storm to make you feel christmas-y. It's only the mall Santas that make you feel guilty about not shopping. Kian thinks it's halloween and he gets to dress up as a tree. The good news is that Kian doesn't seem to be scared of Santa so we have decided to have breakfast with him next weekend.

Christmas tree Kian

Last weekend we made a last-minute decision to see the Santa Claus parade (the Christmas parades here are all at night) in Sydney with about a million other people. For a tiny little parade, I mean half the size of Niagara's, there must have been about 40,000 people there. It was insane! After Santa went by everyone followed the parade down to the water to see the sail-past parade on the water. It was really nice to see all the boats lit up. Obviously something you wouldn't see in Ottawa in December! Kian had the most fun trying to stab a spider with the Christmas lights that were decorating Frosty the Snowman and running around like a mad-man in the mud (he got to have some hot chocolate......)!

Santa parade in Sydney with dad.

Sail past in Sydney.

Our dining room is just about finished. Down to the trim work..... The project that I thought I OVER-budgeted a month for has taken five. There is light at the end of the tunnel and maybe a glimmer of hope that it will be done for Christmas.....

Oops, I dumped the duck food!

Move ducks!

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