Sunday, January 24, 2010


Julean 8 weeks.

Tiny hands.

If I thought I was busy with one kid I have no idea what I would call being busy with two! Exhausting? I have finally come to realize that I can't clean the house and look after two little ones. Between toys and diapers and play groups and trying to figure out what we are having for dinner we are starting to get swamped. We need a house cleaner. I was feeling guilty about it because I figure I'm home and should be able to do it all but it not going to happen unless someone else wants my kids!

That being said, we had a beautiful week here last week, despite the forecast saying "rain" everyday. It didn't rain once and we got to play outside everyday this past week. (This week might be a different story.) Saturday the whole family was out in the garden in 16 degrees digging and planning for this year's crops. It is very strange to be gardening in January and having all the daffodil, snowdrops, crocuses, and some cherry blossoms out. We can start our vegetable garden in February. Our last winter in Ottawa our garden was under 6 feet of snow! Nice to be on the west coast, I tell you! Kian was out playing with all the gardening tools and decided that his favourite for the moment was the "weed walker".

Kian and Julean are doing great. We are starting to get our routine together now and things seem to be going well. Kian is registered in gymnastics again this session. He loved it so much last fall. He is also registered for swimming on Wednesday nights. We don't get to go swimming during the day anymore because I can't hold on to two kids in the pool so at least he gets to go one night a week. I think we are going to try to go Sunday mornings again as a family. Julean loves the bath and got to go in the pool for the first time this morning. He had a blast and both boys were a sleep in the car on the way home.

Naps together.

Julean is now 9 weeks old and 6.3 kg (about 13+ lbs-ish). Growing like a weed. I have already had to go through the clothing and flip his wardrobe to 3-6 month clothing. He has already been in the exersaucer (aka "the circle of neglect") and, although his legs are too short for the smallest setting, loved to be sitting in it watching his big brother run around in circles in front of him. (That's about all Kian does now a days!) I can tell you that I have been trying my hardest to take as many photos as I can of Julean so that I don't get asked later on in life "so where are my photos?" but that is almost impossible with a 2 year old on the go! Julean better be on the move fast and in the same direction as his brother if he wants any pictures!

Julean 8 weeks old.

I can tell I'm about to be paged by the little one, but before the crying starts, we ordered pizza on Friday night and I asked Kian what kind of pizza he would like. He said he wanted a "purple roni". He has been telling people all weekend that he had purple roni pizza for dinner.

Better sign off and hope that the blogs aren't too long and far between!

Kian let me cut his hair and didn't move once! Guess that is it for Jimmy?!

Does this photo not look like an 8 year old with an attitude?!

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