Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Saanich Fair 2010

The only "ride" Julean was big enough for.

Labour Day weekend was the Saanichton Fair again. It was a pretty busy weekend with a couple runs to the dump for Mark to get ride of all the plaster that we took down in the living room and soon-to-be library. Followed by some yard clean up and more plaster clean up in the house. The boys and I tired to keep out of the way by going to the park and playing with some friends who were down from Naniamo.

Sunday, which turned out to be the pick of the weekend , we went to the fair with auntie Renee and uncle Darcy. Kian ran straight for the tractors and it was almost impossible to pull him away from them to see anything else. Julean loved the animals and signed for more every time we left one and moved on to something else. The rest of us really only went to the fair for the mini donuts.

Here are some photos to enjoy, since this blog seems to have taken two weeks to post!

Julean scooped up in the digger

Kian giving Julean a ride.

A favourite.

Julean feeding the horses.

Another "ride".

Kian at the top of the Super Slide. He made it up all by himself and put his bag down without help.

Not too sure what I'm getting myself into! This is fast!

Better try to slow down!

Hurry, hurry drive the fire truck!

Mom and Kian on the bee ride.

Ambulance helicopter!


Julean loved all the animals and was really good with them.

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