Sunday, December 6, 2009

The ABC's Aquariums, Buses, Curses....

I forgot how hard it was to get out of the house in time for ANYTHING with an infant. Add a toddler and it makes it even more interesting. I have come to the conclusion that I will be at least 1/2 an hour later for everything.

Julean is doing great. Gaining weight, at least I think, since I haven't had the time to go and have him weighed like I did with Kian every week for the first month or so. Guess that's where it starts. No photos of the second child, no getting the baby weighed. Guess they have to just make sure nothing seriously goes wrong that I'm supposed to notice. He is a good sleeper and seems to know that he plays second fiddle to his brother who I really have to entertain, and 9/10s of the time chase.

Julean 2 weeks old

Kian was promised a bus ride a couple weeks ago. It didn't happen when we hoped so I decided that last Monday I would take him downtown on the bus to see the Christmas trees all lit up at the Empress. He was THRILLED to be able to ride the bus. The highlight of the month I think. The Christmas trees were ok if you ask me but if you ask Kian which one he liked the best he would tell you the " Bobby-Bob tree". That would be the one with all the construction stuff on it and the diggers underneath. He was really good about putting all the stuff back after he was finished playing with them. Daddy came by briefly to say hi and then we were back on the bus for a thrilling ride back home.

WOW on the BUS!

Bobby-Bob tree

Now I have to tell you about the cursing. My mom is in town at the moment to give us a hand with the new arrival. She keeps telling us that we have a two year old in the house and really should watch what we are staying around him. I'm sure all parents get that advise from other parents. Mark and I don't swear around the kids, or really in general, so we weren't too sure why we were being told this so often. We did figure it out a few days later when my mom was letting out the cat, for the 1000th time that morning and said "Atlas, you buggar, do you have to go out again?!" Kian, of course, picked up on the one word we don't use and has been using it on a regular basis. Like when you ask him what his little brother's name is "Buggar" or when he is singing on the bus "Buggar buggar buggar buggar " etc. I wondering what people think I teach my children.

Mark had Friday morning off so we visited the Sidney aquarium. It was our first trip out there and a really interesting place to visit. Kian was a little scared of the jellyfish and the larger fish but I'm sure with some more visits out he will have as much fun as mom and dad did. There is a touch tank which was neat, although I really didn't want to touch the animals. I only did it so that Kian wouldn't be scared of them.


Our house just got a little busier than planned. Mark's mom is in town for a visit. The weather has turned really cold all of a sudden so all the outside stuff that we would usually do at this time of the year is out and Kian is becoming a menace sometimes during the day because he really needs to run around outside. Mark was out playing soccer last night and got hit. He ended up at the ER and came home with a broken leg in a cast and crutches. I guess things will just have to slow down a little more and I'm going to have to go to gymnastics with him. I was hoping Mark would go next week because I was exausted after the class on Saturday morning! Good thing there is only one left for the year!

Better sign off and go to bed!

Monday, November 23, 2009

New Arrival!

Introducing Julean!

First night at the hospital after our first bath.

We have an almost identical photo of Kian.

Who's this Mom?

Nice to finally meet you Spud!

Finally, after being a week overdue, Kian has a new baby brother to announce to the world! Julean Markus was born at Victoria General on Friday November 20th at 19:54, weighing 7 lbs, 9 onz (3.4 kg).

The day started with Mark and I going to the hospital in the morning for a scheduled ultrasound and Non-stress test to make sure that the baby was still doing well and had enough fluid left. We were told that he was perfectly happy and healthy and that he could stay for a while still if he wanted. Great...! I wasn't to thrilled to hear that since I was overdone with being pregnant! The nurse did ask how the first pregnancy and labour went and when she found out how fast Kian came strongly suggested that we not attempt to make the drive to the hospital ourselves but rather call an ambulance.

Friday afternoon we decided that we should go downtown to look in some art stores and get some fish and chips for dinner. It was pouring rain so we ran into Chintz and Company to get a bit of a break from the downpour. After a few minutes wandering around in the store I decided that I had had enough and sat down on a $3000 chair to wait for Mark and Kian. It's a good thing they didn't take too long or we might have been buying the chair.

We did make it home and ordered some Chinese food, but after two bites my water broke and we did in fact have to make that call for an ambulance. Kian was a little upset that mom and dad were leaving but got distracted with the ambulance and fire truck that arrived to take mommy to the hospital. I think it was a wise move to call an ambulance since Mark said to the dispatcher " Hi... my water's wife just broke". I think he was a little flustered and it was probably and good thing he wasn't driving during rush hour to the hospital.

Julean was born within an hour of arriving at the hospital with no time for any drugs. Daddy got to cut the cord this time. Everyone was doing great, happy and healthy. Kian was really happy to have mom and dad back at home a couple nights later and told us a few times that he really missed us. (I think he had a good time with Oma while we were away.)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Dead Fish!

Cuddles with dad.

I was hoping to announce the new arrival to the family but instead I'm writing about dead fish.

November 11th was a good day to avoid the crowds of downtown (in case we had to make a run for the hospital) and go out to Goldstream Park to see the salmon run. My mom is now in town with us and has never seen the salmon run. Since we are all now waiting around for the imminent arrival and going a little stir-crazy in the house we decided it would be a nice treat.

About a week ago I was getting in the car with a friend when her little one decided to tell me about all the dead fish he had seen at the beach. I thought that was pretty funny and decided to tell Mark the story. I guess Kian was listening a little closer than I thought because as we pulled into Goldstream Park the three of us heard a little voice in the back seat of the car say "dead fish!". Of course we all thought that was hilarious and then got out to put on our rubber boots and coats so that we could see all the fish in the stream. Kian was running up and down the banks of the stream telling everyone there that there were dead fish in the water. Of course we thought that was funny but I think most people thought we were probably teaching our child a few strange things. I must say that there weren't all that many dead fish this year and it wasn't nearly as smelly as it was when we went last year for the first time.

If you ask Kian now what he saw at the stream he still tells you that he saw "dead fish". Nothing about the live ones swimming up stream.

As for this baby... since today is the "official" due date I decided that I would take the family out to the park and fly a kite. Kian loves to fly his kite so I chased after it for a while and then while Mark was pushing him in the swing decided to go for a bounce on the industrial see-saw. It's a see-saw that has these huge springs instead of the traditional type up-down that needs two people. I'm hoping that after half an hour on there as well as the kite chasing that I will be able to blog the baby's arrival next instead of some more adventures in "wait-ville"!

Hi Mommy!

I'm taller than you are, daddy!

Having fun with mom and Oma.

Feeding the bunnies at U Vic.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Tick or Eat in the Hauny House

A "green" crayon, apparently....

I think the month of October went by WAAAAY to quickly! I don't remember even blinking and it is now November!

Kian and daddy pick out pumpkins

Kian got to go to the pumpkin patch again this year to pick out his pumpkin. The highlight of his day was getting to ride on the tractor out to the patch and back. I don't think we could have asked for a bigger smile! We didn't actually get around to carving the pumpkin but I don't think it really would have mattered since we don't get "tick or eater's" at our house anyway. (To be honest with you, I wouldn't trick or treat at our place either with the long steep windy driveway all for a piece of candy?)

Kian practiced his "trick or treat" for about two weeks before he was able to use it. When he was finally able to use his new words on halloween it was "tick or eat". Very cute for our little crayon who insisted that he was green and not blue when he was asked what colour he was. He was a very good trick or treater and always said thank you to everyone and always put every piece of candy in his little bag. As a treat at the end he got to chose something to have. I felt really guilty taking out all the stuff that I knew he wouldn't eat or like once he went to bed because he was so good. Guess mom and dad will just rot their teeth instead of him!

WOW! They gave me candy and mom let me have it!

Window shopping

Gymnastics seems to be a highlight for the week of the little bundle of energy. Mark and I heard about Lynn (his instructor) and the "hauny house" all weekend because they built one at gymnastics class and Kian spend pretty much all the free time in it. The day before I had taken him to a play group where there was a "hauny house" and spend the hour and a half chasing him out of the gym area and through the "hauny house". The woman at the door thought it was really funny. Me? Not so much since I'm really pregnant now!

Tickle my toes daddy!

Wheel barrow

Foam pit with daddy

Speaking of pregnant, I'm just about done now. Actually, I'm done, Spud doesn't seem to agree. My mom gets here in a couple days and then I will definitely be done anytime! The spare room is finally painted and has a new bed. There are a few minor details that need to be finished but most likely won't happen until the next room gets started since we need somethings that will get purchased at that time and don't have a place to store them until then. We have had our first fire in our new fireplace and it was really nice. Two projects done, now to get on with the rest of the house!

The Olympic flame came through Victoria on Friday. Kian and I went downtown and met Mark at work. Actually we just invaded one of the vacant offices and had a better view than if we had been on the ground. Kian was also contained to a floor in the building rather than the street where I would have been chasing him again.

Torch relay

Olympic torch going by

Torch bearers

Sunday, September 27, 2009


We signed Kian up for gymnastics because we thought he might like an outlet for all of his energy. Boy were we right and boy are we in trouble now! He had such a great time we couldn't get him to leave after the class was over. I think we are now in for it when we go to the park to play. Now he knows how to use all the big kid stuff and isn't scared of anything! Mark worked up a sweat helping him in the class. It was a good nap day.

It was a very busy weekend. After gymnastics we has a birthday party to go to at the beach. Kian was on the playground designed for the 5-12 year olds, of course. Sunday we had a christening for our new little friend Colin. He is now 6 weeks old.

Here are a few photos for your enjoyment.

Kian! Look at all the fun stuff we get to do!

Waiting my turn in line....

Through the tunnel...

That was fun daddy!

Rope swing!

The BEST! (I think the look on the kid's face in the background says it all! No one else went on the rope swing but Kian!)

Swing on the bars...

Through the tube...

What a star!

At the beach with dad after the birthday party.

A freighter coming in.

In the tree house with my two best friends, Katie and Jacob.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Saanich Fair 2009

We took Kian to the Saanich fair again this year. He loves farm animals and tractors so we knew it would be a hit. We even managed to get Auntie Renee out of bed to join us despite the fact that it was raining and she hadn't had any coffee yet. I think fun (and junk food!) was had by all. We didn't even make it to the midway to take in the rides.

Here are a few pictures.

I love hanging out with my auntie Renee

This baby was only 4 months old

Petting the giant bunnies.

I got to drive the tractor!

A tired little sheep.

And some random photos I just uploaded off the camera.

My Birthday cake

The train yard.

Helping daddy renovate.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm TWO!

Look who's TWO!

What an adventure we had for Kian's second birthday! Not one I'm sure we will repeat for his third, but you never know!

We decided to take a trip back to Ontario for Kian second birthday. For a few weeks Kian was told that he would be going on an airplane and was very excited about it. What he didn't know was that he would also be in a car, on a ferry, a bus, a train and only then the airplane. We decided that we would fly out of Seattle airport because the fares were considerably cheaper than flying out of Victoria.

All went well on the way to the ferry and just about off the ferry. That's when the excitement started to catch up with the little guy and he threw up in his car seat. Great way to start the trip! We pulled over after we got off the ferry and got him and the car seat cleaned up as best as we could before we hit the road and the US border. After customs we found a gas station that sold the industrial Febreeze and went to town on the seat. The rest of the trip to Seattle was rather uneventful and pleasant.

We found our hotel and left our car for the few days that we would be gone. We got on a bus and made our way to the airport. We were early even and decided to get ride of all the things we didn't want to carry so we could get some food before the big airplane adventure began. As we were checking in we were told that our car seat didn't have the required sticker that the airline needed to see and therefore would need to check it. As we checked it in I saw disaster happening but could do nothing about it. The seat was placed in a large plastic bag and had all its stickers placed on it and we were on our merry way.

Kian had a great time watching the planes take off and landing while we were eating and playing in the airport while we waited for our flight. He didn't, however, have a great time on the flight because the seats were so big and the lap belt that he was required to wear, went over his shins and therefore really safe for a toddler when he can lift his knees up and get out in half a second! Needless to say there was some crying and some lovely looks from some fellow passengers our direction. It's a good thing that they let me keep my bottle of Gravol to save the day and eventually peace was back.

The rest of the flight went smoothly, although we did experience the same problem on our second flight. At least it wasn't quite as bad that time. We finally arrived in Buffalo to see Opa waiting for us. Now just to collect our luggage and finally head to Oma and Opa's place for a nap!

About that luggage... our clothing arrived, but not the car seat, as I was envisioning when we checked in. As anyone with a child knows, you can't leave the airport without a car seat. Now to find it.... I must say that AirTran was very good about getting us a loner (one someone else had lost, no doubt!) and calling us for four days to let us know that they hadn't found it yet and even delivering it to us in Niagara once they had. I can't say that you would necessarily get that kind of treatment from some other airlines. What we were hoping was that they had really lost it and that they would replace the now smelly, barfy car seat that had been in a sealed plastic bag. Mark got the pleasant experience of opening that one and washing it! Lucky him!

FINALLY we made it to Oma and Opa's and I can have a nap!

We had a great time in Niagara seeing as many family and friends as we possibly could in 5 days. We didn't get much of a break or a chance to relax but it was worth it to see people we didn't get a chance to say good bye to when we left the province last year on short notice.

Kian got to celebrate his second birthday with his cousins riding around Oma and Opa's yard in Opa's tractor. All the kids had a great time and all the males in the group had a great time driving the tractor around the yard! it was nice to see all the kids getting along so well and Kian, being the youngest, as the leader of the group. Kian would run (and run and run and run.....) around the yard and there would be a mob of kids following behind him. At least I always knew where he was and didn't have to worry about him getting lost for the evening.

Kian and his cousins

Ice cream and cake!

Mom and the fireman

Opening presents

The weather was insanely hot and humid while we were there. I can't say that I miss that! Kian got to experience his first thunder storms, which I can't say that he likes very much and some crazy rain. That he will get more of. The majority of the time it was sunny but hot.

While we were visiting we went to Guy and Ginnie's wedding. It was a wonderful evening and they were lucky with an outdoor wedding that the weather cooperated for them. Kian was dressed very handsomely in his little suit and managed to stay clean for the ceremony and half way through dinner. That's when he go busy and daddy decided to take him outside to play for a few minutes. When he came back in he was covered in mud due to daddy letting him play in the mud puddle..... Good thing that mom always brings pajamas when we are out for the evening.

Our flight home was less eventful than the flight out. The people at the Buffalo airport were able to read the fine print on our car seat (that was no longer barfy!) and see that in fact our seat was airline approved and able to come on board with us. Kian was far more comfortable in his seat and could now look out the windows to see what was happening. He had a great nap in it to and Mark and i were able to relax for a few minutes.

I think all in all the trip was far too short and we would have loved to be in town a little longer so that we could visit all the people we missed and travel to Ottawa for a few days. Hopefully we will have a little more time next visit. Although next time there will be two kids to entertain at the airport....

Mom with Oma and Opa.

Auntie Renee, Auntie Marcelle and Uncle Bob

Mom and a handsome little man!

My two handsome boys!

I can still run in my party clothes!

Can you believe that Kian took this photo? I didn't crop it or anything!

Hi mom!

All in the tractor